آرماتور برشی، تسلیح برشی
Figure 5.3 Beam containing shear reinforcement.
If the shear reinforcement is inclined at an angle av to the longitudinal tensile reinforcement
(3) The contribution of the shear reinforcement to the ultimate shear strength, Vus, is given by
where s is the centre-to-centre spacing of the shear reinforcement measured parallel to
shear reinforcement and the longitudinal tensile steel.،The major items of design include the vertical main reinforcement, the horizontal main reinforcement, the shear reinforcement, and the lap splice length and development length of the reinforcement.
Figure 10.2 Plan, 3-D ٧؛ew٠ side ٧؛ew of a steel cage of diaphragm wall ( 1, 2, and 3 represent shear reinforcements). Shear reinforcement
Inpractice, the shear reinforcement still has to be designedinorder to be able to hang the steel cage into the trench.
As illustrated in Figure 10.2, three types of shear reinforcements are used in the steel cage of a retaining wall,main shear reinforcement-type 1,and two small slant reinforcements- types 2, and 3.
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